Monday, February 25, 2013


I had posted a little while ago about how I, in 5 years of trying, have not been able to picture myself pregnant. It was really crazy...wanting to be pregnant, trying for years, but not "seeing" myself pregnant. I've had dreams in the past that I was pregnant, but every dream was about losing the baby or babies. I never actually saw my pregnant body, just my lost babies. It was heart breaking everytime. Saturday night, I went to bed like any other night, maybe around 10PM. I've felt such strong nausea this entire 2WW and have felt very confident about this cycle. So Sunday morning when I woke up, I recalled a dream that I had. It was me, in the summer time working at the farmers market. Only in this dream, I was pregnant! I saw me, moving my photography equipment around while I was setting up for the market. The farmers were picking on me about carrying all that weight and being the size of a watermelon. But I actually saw it this time! I was pregnant! Maybe it is the positive thinking which I haven't had at all this entire time having had my tubes blocked. Maybe it was just the fact that my left tube is open finally. Maybe, I am pregnant! I've been testing out the trigger and I have watched the shot fade away from my system. There have been faint lines, but nothing that sticks around on the test. I'm not sure what it means but hoping its good. I haven't tested the last 2 days because I took my daughter to PA for a Flyleaf/Drowning Pool concert. We had so much fun and between that and the time to think about testing. I did stop at the REs this morning for blood draw and should be hearing back any time with the test results. Today is 15 DPT and 13 DPO so if there is something in there, it isn't the trigger anymore! Praying for good results!!! And soon! I'm getting anxious!

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