Monday, December 31, 2012

Got My Meds

Just got home from a great weekend away! Spent a few days in Pittsburgh to watch my favorite football team play their rivals, the Browns. Steelers won! Great game...I lost my voice! Came home to a package with my meds in it! Don't think we'll be starting it in January though if my cycle is early to start from ovulating so early. My husband is being sent off for training prior to his deploying and he'll be gone for 3 weeks. That would fall where I am ovulating a week before he gets home :( So, its a no go for that month anyway. Got all the syringes the other day. HUGE 1.5in 18 gauge needles! I am not looking forward to those in my hip every day. I'm still trying to get my hands on some insulin syringes so that I can just do the shot in my belly like the last time (when we went thru IVF). I got 10 bottles of Menopur, 75iu each and 10,000iu of the trigger shot. Now...hoping I never have to use them!!!
I want to be pregnant this month so badly! My husband leaves on January 6th and AF is due on the 5th. I'm currently 9DPO and I think I might test tomorrow. Hoping to have a nice present for the new year and my birthday!!! Plus, if I were to be pregnant this month, I would be due mid September which would mean that my husband would be there for the birth!!! That would be the greatest present ever! I want him there more than anything! more sleep tonight then fingers crossed for a fabulous start to 2013!!!

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