Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Frustration had set in. I was charting at cd 37...twenty-four freakin days past when I thought ovulation happen. I went out last night and bought a couple of pregnancy tests so that I could wake up this morning and take a test. I had also gone and called my doctor and asked for a blood pregnancy test later in the week. Woke up this morning, temped like normal. 97.73! OMG! That is the highest temp I have had this cycle! First thing that came to mind was that I missed a period some how and this is my next month's ovulation. Then I thought, maybe I just ovulated really, really late this cycle (CD38!). When I put in my temp information in Fertility Friend...crosshairs finally appeared. Only thing that shocked me, was that it wasn't saying that I ovulated on cd37 like I thought, but on cd 33! That puts me at 5DPO. Now to that spike! Implantation maybe!? I sure hope so. Besides that...I have been yucky sick all day today. My nose wont stop running, clear not colored so not a cold. I also have a sore throat. The last 4 days, I have had some light cramping but today's cramping has periods of much stronger cramping. My nipples have also been very sensitive the last 4 days. So, here again we are in the 2WW, though I think it finally is the real 2WW. Feels more like a 5WW! My plan is to test next Wednesday, which should put me at 12DPO. I'm also keeping my appointment for the blood test since that will register way before a pee on test. Not sure yet when that will be though because the doctors office will be calling me to schedule it. Hoping for Monday or Tuesday. So, the big wait is on! Wish me luck!

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