So if I ovulated when the temps started to rise...I'm guessing the 30th of Nov, then I would be 15DPO today! I have no signs of AF coming. Last weekend and earlier this week my BBs were really sensitive and swollen but nothing now. I have been peeing like a race horse, which isn't normal for me, but I have felt really dehydrated lately so I have been drinking more than normal, so I'm sure that is why.
I decided to do some research on late ovulation and egg quality.
Found this information from a Doctor on MedicineNet.com...
Dr. Amos: "Let's first talk about a "late" ovulation. Ovulation normally happens from CD 10 to CD 21. Ovulation that happens regularly after CD 21 is not considered normal. That does not mean you cannot get pregnant with late ovulation. Women get pregnant all the time even when they ovulate late. But your chances of getting pregnant are decreased significantly when you ovulate late. This is for several reasons:
1. The lining of the uterus is too old for implantation.
2. The egg is considered not as good as when ovulation happens earlier.
3. When ovulation happens late you ovulate less often over time, further decreasing your chances of conceiving."
I've also read many comments from ladies who have ovulated late and it is pretty much cut down the middle when it comes to their personal experiences. Some are saying what the doc above says, but then others are saying that they ovulated on cd 38 or above and have still gotten pregnant. Guess I won't lose all hope yet.
I don't plan on testing at all until Christmas morning if for some reason AF remains gone for that long. I am currently on cd 56 and think I O'd on cd 41. If I hold out til Christmas, I will be on cd 66 and I will be 25DPO. If pregnant, I should definately get a positve reading by then. So for now, its a wait and see kinda thing. AF....AF....stay away!!!!
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