That's the pictures from my surgery two weeks ago. From what my Doctor says, everything looks perfect but that scar tissue has sealed up the inside of the tube. So now...the fight is on to find a natural way of opening them back up.
Today has just been another one of them days. Ya know, the ones where everything you see or hear triggers that bad memory and then on goes the waterworks. My dear friend, A, is going thru a miscarriage right now. Missing the child that she will never get to hold. For her it was ectopic and she had to take medicine to remove the pregnancy. I couldn't imagine having to do that! My heart breaks for her. I wish there were words to say that would make it all better, but when I went thru my miscarriage 15 years ago, I didn't even know I was pregnant. Its even harder to find the words to tell her just how hurt I am for her when my heart is breaking too. Chances are I'll never get to carry another child in my belly. I just don't get why things like this happen to good people! Sometimes I just wanna scream how it is not fair....but then that stupid phrase "Life's not fair" pops into my head. Really?!? But it still sucks!
Another pack tonight and a quick 15 minute massage. Trying to find a spa here that offers them so I can get a good one done. I think some how I am doing it wrong even though I am following all the directions. Constipation is not my friend, but I think somehow the massages are to blame. I hope not because I don't want to stop them! I want results!!! Today!!!
Most time it’s good to share problem. WHO KNOWS?? My names are Aylen Melsin I suffered Adhesion that damaged my uterus and this is really what I think you should understand. I finally was able to conceive a child of my own after 7 years without any issue. This really was the worst thing ever. It was a miracle that indeed shocked me and my husband. Because I was left with no option but to use a Herbal Health Concoction that was prepared from Roots Herbs to help the Immune. I got to find out a solution through online search and I talked to the direct source about my problem. His name is Ahiga and he told me how some necessary few herbs will be useful to women’s health, to cure Fibroid, tubes blockage recovery, So I gave him a chance to do what knows best. He sent the Herbs to me and gave simple instruction on method of use. After few weeks of usage I began to feel dizzy, vomiting, tender breast, a friend of mine told me all these are sings of pregnancy. I went for check up behold I was confirmed pregnant. I'm glad God did this with the Roots Herbs of Ahiga. You can get in-touch with Ahiga via Email (ahigahealing@ yahoo. com) really just felt like dropping this, not for all but for those who want to start having children of their own.