Monday, December 31, 2012
Got My Meds
Just got home from a great weekend away! Spent a few days in Pittsburgh to watch my favorite football team play their rivals, the Browns. Steelers won! Great game...I lost my voice!
Came home to a package with my meds in it! Don't think we'll be starting it in January though if my cycle is early to start from ovulating so early. My husband is being sent off for training prior to his deploying and he'll be gone for 3 weeks. That would fall where I am ovulating a week before he gets home :( So, its a no go for that month anyway. Got all the syringes the other day. HUGE 1.5in 18 gauge needles! I am not looking forward to those in my hip every day. I'm still trying to get my hands on some insulin syringes so that I can just do the shot in my belly like the last time (when we went thru IVF). I got 10 bottles of Menopur, 75iu each and 10,000iu of the trigger shot. Now...hoping I never have to use them!!!
I want to be pregnant this month so badly! My husband leaves on January 6th and AF is due on the 5th. I'm currently 9DPO and I think I might test tomorrow. Hoping to have a nice present for the new year and my birthday!!! Plus, if I were to be pregnant this month, I would be due mid September which would mean that my husband would be there for the birth!!! That would be the greatest present ever! I want him there more than anything! more sleep tonight then fingers crossed for a fabulous start to 2013!!!
Friday, December 28, 2012
Low Temps and 6DPO Dip
Pretty sure I know exactly when O was this month even though my chart is all screwy and not registering O at all. CD 13. Saturday we were on the road all day, to and from Buffalo NY in the middle of a snow storm. The cramping was coming on since early Friday and the pain on Saturday was pretty strong. I had the dip in temp on Friday which is typical for me on the day before O so with all that, I am pretty sure O really did happen on Saturday. :) Since most of the pain was on the right, I am worried that O was on the right...the blocked side. But there was some cramping in the left too, so maybe BOTH sides!
The temps pre-O were rather high. Higher than my normal pre-O temps, then big drop day before O. LP temps are very the area of my normal pre-O temps. I'm slightly worried that means low progesterone. Since this was a not scheduled Clomid cycle, I dont have things planned for a Progesterone blood test. We'll see how that pans out if I get a positive test.
Today is CD 6 and its about 2pm and I finally just realized that the low temp I got this morning was a mid-LP dip! Praying this is good news! Especially since my husband is going to be gone for 3 weeks in January and since I ovulated much earlier than normal, we'll miss O next month. So, if nothing this month, injections will be put on hold til February. Another one of those "wait and see" moments!
Finishing up with the Christmas holiday and then back to the normal routines again. Trying to keep busy to not think about the 2WW so I have sanded, stained and polyurethaned the living room floor. Tomorrow we're driving to Pittsburgh for a football game and spending the weekend together before back to school and work. By the time we get'll be almost time to test! AF is due on the 5th, the day before my husband leaves. Maybe this will be a great birthday present for me (the 2nd) and he'll get to find out before he leaves! Keeping fingers crossed!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
They are on their way! I'm excited for the chance to use them but praying that I won't have to! I'm on cd 10 today. Starting to feel the pressure consistantly now. Sadly, I think I will be ovulating from the right side :( Thats the broken side. Maybe the left side will get stronger over the next few days so that we'll have a left pop, or better yet...both.
So, for now, getting ready for Christmas. Ovulation should be between Christmas and New Years. Temps are in upper 97s which is higher than normal for me. Maybe this is a good sign!!! We'll see in a couple days with the big O!!!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Last pill
Just took my last Clomid dose for this cycle. My temps are up, as expected with the Clomid. Feel so good this cycle! I usually get wretched hot flashes but this time, nothing! I don't really think I have any of the symptoms that I normally get :)
Starting to get a little pinching on the left side. Feeling a bit swollen. Other than that, not noticing any thing yet. Tomorrow I start the estrogen for 5 days. Thinking, if ovulation happens when it normally would, cd 18, we might be making a Christmas baby!
Trip to Pittsburgh on December 29th thru the 31st and then debating on NYC to watch the ball drop. Going to be a good month and fun end to this year. A sober end...but fun and hopefully ending with a BFP!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
My December Cycle
CD1 was on the 10th.
Started 150mg Clomid today. I forgot how nasty those things taste! Drinking my Red Clover tea. Taking Serra, Royal Jelly, Prenatal, Calcium and Folic Acid. I think I ought to do some of the fertility massage with the Castor Oil too...just in case. Anyway, cd 3-7 with 150mg Clomid and then cd 8-12 with 2mg Estradiol. Praying this works round one! :) to enjoy the snow!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Todays Visit to the RE
Today I made the trip down to Syracuse to visit with the RE. I really love this guy! We discussed the surgery from two weeks ago and what the findings were. The right tube was to blocked to get the cath thru and he feels that the only way to make it functional again is by another reanastomosis (surgery that cuts out the bad part of the tube and reconnects it). He said that the left side was easy to clear up and the dye flowed thru it with no problems.
His suggestions about what to do next is starting fertility meds. He said that the only way to ensure ovulation on the left side is by doing this. He suggested doing 3 months of Clomid with the option of doing a trigger shot. I mentioned to him that I did 6 months of Clomid before learning of the blockages and then 2 more cycles at the beginning of this year in hopes that they cleared out on their own. I asked about the possiblity of moving on to injecables if the Clomid cycles fail. He said that since I had no success with Clomid for 8 cycles that we could move on to the injectables now! We discussed using Menopur since I am familiar with the medication. I used it with my IVF cycle. He wants to do 75IU for 10 days with monitoring thru out the cycle. He will also do a trigger shot.
We are waiting on the prior authorization for this thru my insurance now (Tricare). From my research, they will cover it all, 3600 IU per month. The doctors recommendation is only a total of 75IU but I've also researched and learned that this will probably not be enough so I'm going to ask about what will happen if there are not enough follicles...if we will up the dose, keep going for longer than 10 days, or if we can just do a little higher of a dose to begin with. Since that authorization will take a few weeks and since AF is due in 4 days, we will be missing the December cycle. My husband is leaving for work, out of state, for 3 weeks in January so the meds will be put off til probably February. In the mean time, I will be doing one cycle of Clomid for December to get us by til the injections start.
So for now, still hoping that I wont have to worry about any of that. I am on cd 28, 10 DPO. I tested yesterday midday, BFN. I will test again on 12DPO and then again 14 DPO if nothing yet. We'll see what is left of this month. Not counting myself out til AF shows, but a nice plan is in place if its needed!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
4DPO spike
Woke up this morning, 530am :( and temped as usual. This morning my temp jumped. We'll see if it stay up there in a triphasic pattern! The whole fact that I can get pregnant still hasn't sank in. It doesn't feel real. Too long with two blocked tubes! We'll see in the next few days what comes of this!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tubal Catheterization Hysteroscopy
After meeting with the RE on November 6th, I was planning on having the tubal catheterization hysteroscopy done about 2 weeks after AF showed. At that point, I was at CD 41 and had no idea when my annovulatory cycle was going to end. I was so excited the following morning when I woke up and she had arrived! I called the RE and scheduled the procedure immediately! November 21st...the day before Thanksgiving! Either I was going to have a great Thanksgiving or a not so great one.
The morning of the 21st my husband and I drive the hour and a half to Syracuse. Getting to the hospital we are directed around because noone knew where we were supposed to be exactly. When we finally located the right spot, we were in a quickly prepping for the procedure. I about fell off the bed when they told me that I would not actually be knocked out for the procedure! Thank goodness that the meds they gave me were so good that I slept thru it all though!
After coming out, this is what we learned...That both of the tubes were blocked when they did the first HSG. Then the RE inserted the cath and was able to unblock the left tube but the scar tissue on the right was still to thick. A second HSG confirmed that the left was now open! This was the tube that was heavily covered in adhesions and was twisted back in Sept 2011!
I truely believe that the Serra and the massage helped dissolve the adhesions and allow the tube to untwist!
So, that was Wednesday. Friday came around I was starting to have cramping that I thought might be O pains. I took an OPK that showed I was not Oing just yet...but then again those things never work for me. By Saturday morning the pain was getting worse and I was afraid that I was getting an infection from the procedure despite taking antibiotics. That night I was in so much pain that I debated going to the hospital. The pain was strong and sharp, mostly on the left side but didn't feel like what I had felt before as O pains. I ended up going to bed that night in a lot of pain, but thinking it would pass.
The following morning I woke up and the pain was gone and my temp spiked up! I actually ovulated on my own this month! This is something that I normally only do maybe 3 times a year if I am lucky! So, now for my very first 2WW that I have an open tube in the last 11.5 years!
Today is cd 21 and 3DPO. Last night there was a lil bit of blood. I am hoping that is from the fertilized egg passing the point where the blockage was opened on its way to the "Safe Zone". With luck, we'll be having implantation in the next couple of days. Then I think I might ask to have a progesterone test done at 7DPO just to make sure that it is high enough. I also keep getting sharp twinges of pain on the left side which I am also hoping is good news that the tube is pushing my baby into the uterus! We'll see soon!
I have a follow up appointment with the RE on December 4th where we will determine what to do next cycle if we aren't successful with this one. I am hoping that he will give me injections and a trigger...just to make sure that we have a good chance of the left ovary popping one or more out. However, I'm still praying that there wont be a need!!! 7 days til I see the RE and about 10 before I will start testing! The countdown begins!
Forever...Update :)
Oh my! My world has been upside down the last many months! In a nutshell...So long Washington and hello Upstate New York! Quite a trek across the country with 2 kids, a cat, a chihuahua and a great dane! Seven days on the road with my husband driving a Uhaul pulling one of our cars and me in our truck pulling another of our cars.
I'm actually loving NY! We've seen so many fun places and things since being here: Niagara Falls, New York City, Gettysburg, Watkins Glen. We've been thru Hurricane Sandy and now the snow is falling for our first bitter cold Upstate winter.
Now...the good stuff...TTC! We've been in a stand still since moving and due to the blocked tubes. I've continued with the Serra, Royal Jelly and PNVs. I met with my new PCM and she gave me 3 months of Clomid unsupervised, however, I chose not to do them because I know the tubes are blocked. She also put me on Metformin. I was only able to take this for a week because it caused my blood sugars to drop to low and I was getting dizzy, very fatigued and weak so I discontinued them. Ended up getting a referral to see a RE in Syracuse and was able to see him on November 6th. He suggested redoing the reanastomosis or jumping back in to IVF. I asked about doing a tubal catheterization hysteroscopy and after talking about it for a little while...he agreed! Surgery was scheduled for November 21st and we were successful in opening the left tube! So excited about where we might end up now that we have one open tube! I'll post more about the procedure and events following later. :)
Saturday, February 11, 2012
2nd AF Due Date
Fertility Friend guessed that my O date was on cd 12, however I think it may have been on cd15. AF due date one (Feb 9th, Thursday). Came and went...tested BFN. Tomorrow is AF due date two. I am praying for a different out come this time! I have had fullness and pressure in my pelvis for about 11 days now. My CP has been low or medium. BD is painful so I haven't been. I have been super nauseous for 4 days. It has been hard to eat and smelling food makes me nauseous too. Yesterday I only ate a bowl of soup and a small scoop of mashed potatoes. Today, thank goodness, I was able to eat more. I felt like I was starving to death!
My temps are looking great. I hope they stay up!

The plan is to test Monday morning. If BFN and no temp drop, then I will be calling the doctor for blood work to check. There has to be something going on because if I am not pregnant, then I am sick! If I get a BFP, then I am still calling the doctor for bloodwork to check my BETA. So...I'm hoping for BFP of course! We'll see tomorrow. AF, AF stay away! Come back in about 9 or 10 months please!!!!
My temps are looking great. I hope they stay up!

The plan is to test Monday morning. If BFN and no temp drop, then I will be calling the doctor for blood work to check. There has to be something going on because if I am not pregnant, then I am sick! If I get a BFP, then I am still calling the doctor for bloodwork to check my BETA. So...I'm hoping for BFP of course! We'll see tomorrow. AF, AF stay away! Come back in about 9 or 10 months please!!!!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
I know I am probably over thinking things SO much but I want to keep track of what I am feeling, in case I am pregnant. :) So bare with me!
Today is 7 DPO. My sinuses are so conjested! Still feeling cramping in my lower abdomen even though my temp went down from 97.33 to 97.25 this morning. It cramping is totally different today though. They are really low in my pelvis and it feels really full there. I also had a little bit of deeper cramps on the right but that lasted for about 2 minutes then went away.
I am a little worried that my progesterone is low because of the slight temp drops. I'm hoping my temps start to pick up soon. However, since I can't really breathe out of my nose, I wonder if I am mouth breathing at night which would cause me to have a lower temp.
Fingers crossed!! Seven more days!
Today is 7 DPO. My sinuses are so conjested! Still feeling cramping in my lower abdomen even though my temp went down from 97.33 to 97.25 this morning. It cramping is totally different today though. They are really low in my pelvis and it feels really full there. I also had a little bit of deeper cramps on the right but that lasted for about 2 minutes then went away.
I am a little worried that my progesterone is low because of the slight temp drops. I'm hoping my temps start to pick up soon. However, since I can't really breathe out of my nose, I wonder if I am mouth breathing at night which would cause me to have a lower temp.
Fingers crossed!! Seven more days!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
So Confused....But Excited
I was really under the impression that I was ovulating on Sunday night or Monday morning when I was having all those pains. However, this morning when I plugged in my temp on Fertility Friend, I got my cross hairs!!! The strange thing is that they were days before when I thought that I ovulated!

Thursday night DH didn't want to BD for fear of hurting me because I was complaining about my hips really hurting me. Then Sunday night I started having sharp pinching pains and AF like cramps. They continued until Monday midday. I thought that was O on Monday. Looking like I was wrong!
So I'm 6DPO today. Lets see...last night, 5DPO, I wasn't feeling good at all. My nose was running like a faucet. I was really super tired and VERY emotional! My husband bought me a new laptop for Valentines Day and I cried for like a half hour because I didn't want it. Crazy emotions! I also had a headache. So today, more cramping. It is more of a dull cramping and not the sharp pinching that it was the other night. This evening, my belly feels so bloated and gassy. I took some Gas-x thinking that I have air in my belly but that has done nothing at all for it! Lower abdomen still feels really full and sore! Thats about it for today.
Okay, now to stop obsessing, and time to read a little and have a relaxing night!

Thursday night DH didn't want to BD for fear of hurting me because I was complaining about my hips really hurting me. Then Sunday night I started having sharp pinching pains and AF like cramps. They continued until Monday midday. I thought that was O on Monday. Looking like I was wrong!
So I'm 6DPO today. Lets see...last night, 5DPO, I wasn't feeling good at all. My nose was running like a faucet. I was really super tired and VERY emotional! My husband bought me a new laptop for Valentines Day and I cried for like a half hour because I didn't want it. Crazy emotions! I also had a headache. So today, more cramping. It is more of a dull cramping and not the sharp pinching that it was the other night. This evening, my belly feels so bloated and gassy. I took some Gas-x thinking that I have air in my belly but that has done nothing at all for it! Lower abdomen still feels really full and sore! Thats about it for today.
Okay, now to stop obsessing, and time to read a little and have a relaxing night!
Monday, January 30, 2012
It's Here!!!
I usually don't feel ovulation pains but boy have I this month! Yesterday it all started. I felt cramping similar to AF, full feeling in my belly. Then last night it was sharp pinching pains on my right side. Then this morning my belly felt really full and there was sharper more consentrated pains on both of my sides. I'm pretty positive that today was the actual day of O because the pain has mostly subsided tonight, but occassionally I feel a slight pinch on the right side. So, well see when I temp in the morning!!! Fingers crossed!
Sunday, January 29, 2012
O is approaching!
CD 15 today and I think O will happen today or possibly tomorrow. I'm feeling the ovaries swelling. My temp took a big dip this morning which is a sure sign for me, so it should happen anytime! I am hoping that the enzymes and treatments have done something but I am trying not to get my hope us to much. I don't want to be let down. I know that it could take time...but the chance makes me happy!
Going to get in one last castor oil and massage in tonight before O happens. Still taking the Serra and drinking the tea. For the first time, I am looking forward to the 2WW!
Going to get in one last castor oil and massage in tonight before O happens. Still taking the Serra and drinking the tea. For the first time, I am looking forward to the 2WW!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
My Pity Party
I'm just having one of those nights. I want a baby so badly! I fight it most days. I try to forget that my heart is breaking but then its like my cup fills up and spills over. I just feel like it is never going to happen! I've tried to find something to do tonight that would get my mind off of it but nothing is working. I'm going to lay down and read, in hopes that I will tire and fall asleep. But then again...I can't sleep because I am entering my fertile window and I need to be doing some dancing! Ahh...I just want my baby already! I hate feeling like a greedy, ungreatful person because I'm not...but this just sucks!
Okay, nice to get it out! Sometimes I need this and noone understands!!!
Okay, nice to get it out! Sometimes I need this and noone understands!!!
My Journey from Chapel Hill to Today....One Year Later
I'm part of a Tubal Reversal support group of ladies that I just love to death! There have been so many new ladies that have joined lately that are in that planning phase of their journey. It has caused me to do a lot of thinking about my experiences with my own surgery. So, since I've just made it to one year (January 12, 2011) I thought I would share my surgery story...before I lose those memories.
I've mentioned before that we started this journey by doing IVF. We went a long time after the failed cycle with out even speaking about having a baby. It was to hard on both of us to even talk about it. So about 14 months later (December 2010 right after Thanksgiving), I asked my husband if he still thought about having a baby and his response was, "All the time." After talking about it a bit, we decided to start looking into the reversal.
We decided on Dr Gary Berger from Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. They requested my TL op report and confirmed that my TL was with clamps on the tubes, no cutting at all. We set the appointment at the end of December 2010 and were having surgery on the 12th of January!!!!
We left for Seattle for our over night flight and got into Charlotte NC the next morning. Once we landed we were told that our plane was the last plane that was allowed to land in Charlotte and no others were taking off because of a major winter storm. We were not going to be making our connecting flight to Raleigh. We were stuck!! My stress level went thru the roof! I called the doctor but noone was in yet, as it was still so early in the morning. I remember sitting on the floor in the airport (the floors were heated too) searching online for rental cars so that we could make it to Chapel Hill on time. We couldn't find a rental car at all from the airport and were just about to try renting this limo service to take us to Chapel Hill. There were a couple others that were heading that way and we had talked about renting it together. But we ended up finding one off site and took a cab to get it with one of the guys that was going to Raleigh too. The roads were terrible and covered with ice. It took us about 4 hours to make the just under 3 hour drive.
The one thing that was so great about the situation is that the doctors office kept in contact with me and told me that they would wait around until we got not to rush. We shared the car with some total stranger that was also heading to Chapel Hill and by the time we had gotten there, the office was closed but all the staff had been waiting for us! We had pre-op testing, went over paperwork and talked with Dr Berger. Instantly I felt a great connection to him. He had a very caring demeanor about him...kinda like a father. He was great! And surgery was secheduled for the following morning. I was the second of the day!
Upon leaving the office, we asked the gal at the desk where to find a store where we could buy some clothes and toiletries...because all of ours were still snowed in at the airport in Charlotte! They directed us and we were off to get things that we needed.
That night I could hardly sleep! I was so excited! When we got to the surgery center in the morning, the ladies there were just great. My husband and I sat in the waiting room until we were called back for prep. I recall being in the bathroom to change and having to write "YES" with a marker on my belly to confirm that I wanted this surgery. We then went into this other room to start the IV. Next we sat in another waiting area. On the wall in this room, there is a huge map with tons of little pins in it. Thousands of little pins. Each one represents a patient and where they came from for surgery. I place my Wenatchee, WA pin on the map! There was another woman from my area which is just amazing because I live in a very small town in WA...a 10 hour plane ride and 3 hours driving time just to get to North Carolina! There was someone else just as crazy as me to fly this long distance for this amazing doctor!
Doctor Berger came to get me for surgery. We walked down the hall before I kissed my husband goodbye and then headed into the surgery room. One of the nurses then led me into the surgery room and I lay on the table. I dont remember a lot from being in the room, but I do recall a nurse telling me that she had her surgery with Dr Berger and then pointing at her belly. She was expecting! I can do this!!!
Next thing I know I am in the recovery room and my husband is with me. We get moved into a day room and Dr Berger comes in to talk to us. Surgery went great! The clamps had fallen off of both of my tubes and were free floating in my belly. Dr B removed them and was able to reconnect the tubes. I ended up with 7.5 cm on both sides!!! This is remarkable!!!! I am given pain meds and shortly there after we got to the hotel (which was fantastic by the way!).
I slept most of the afternoon, then got up...passed the gas I was required to before eating...and then had some soup. I took another pain pill, but since I was feeling pretty good, I chose to only take a half dose. BIG MISTAKE!!!! I woke in such pain! It was intense! I tried taking additional pains but I couldn't get them to kick in. I was crying and shaking from the intense pain. The shaking caused me to start bleeding from my incision. The pain just wouldn't go away. At about 9pm after my husband couldn't watch me in pain any longer, he called Dr Berger who came right over to my room. He checked the incision, which was okay, changed the dressing and then he ran to the office to get a pain med for me. He came back and gave me a shot in the butt. I was hurting so much that I didn't even feel the shot go in! It took over quickly and I was able to relax.
Dr Berger wanted to see me again the next day after the nurses visit and before I went home. At the office he checked my incision and gave me a patch that went on the back of my ear. It was to control nausea since I was flying. Then...we were off to the airport.
The flight from Raleigh to Denver wasn't bad, I slept most of the way,....but I wish I had scheduled a wheelchair to take me from one gate to the next. I slept most of the flight from Denver to Seattle. I remember waking up asking my husband if my eye was popping out! Sounds funny, but the pain behnd my eye was so terrible. We figured out that the pain was from the patch for the nausea. That patch came off really fast after that!
Got to Seattle and drove the 3 hours home. It was great being home. I tried sleeping in my bed, but it was so hard to move. I ended up sleeping in my husband's recliner in the living room for the next couple weeks.
The pain from the surgery site was pretty intense, and I ended up running a fever about a week after surgery. Went to the doctor, but it wasn't an was from the pain. I have a very low tollerance to pain and I remember asking myself what the hell I did to myself! I couldn't imagine having a c-section! But the one thing that got me thru the pain was thinking about holding my baby! I just knew I would get pregnant quickly.
After charting for a few months I realized I wasn't ovulating. Did Clomid for 6 cycles and no baby. Tried an hsg, and we had difficulty getting the cath in so that was cancelled. I had laparoscopic surgery in Sept which showed perfect anatomy at the reconnect site but the tubes were totally blocked with scar tissue and the left tube was twisted. And that leads us to today...doing every natural treatment that I can find to try to unblock them.
I can't give up hope. I keep reminding myself that during my recovery time, I had to focus on the baby that I will one day hold in my arms. I am again having to remind myself of that baby. It gets harder as the days go by but I am determined not to give up hope! I will be pregnant again!!!
So...there's my story!
I've mentioned before that we started this journey by doing IVF. We went a long time after the failed cycle with out even speaking about having a baby. It was to hard on both of us to even talk about it. So about 14 months later (December 2010 right after Thanksgiving), I asked my husband if he still thought about having a baby and his response was, "All the time." After talking about it a bit, we decided to start looking into the reversal.
We decided on Dr Gary Berger from Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal Center in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. They requested my TL op report and confirmed that my TL was with clamps on the tubes, no cutting at all. We set the appointment at the end of December 2010 and were having surgery on the 12th of January!!!!
We left for Seattle for our over night flight and got into Charlotte NC the next morning. Once we landed we were told that our plane was the last plane that was allowed to land in Charlotte and no others were taking off because of a major winter storm. We were not going to be making our connecting flight to Raleigh. We were stuck!! My stress level went thru the roof! I called the doctor but noone was in yet, as it was still so early in the morning. I remember sitting on the floor in the airport (the floors were heated too) searching online for rental cars so that we could make it to Chapel Hill on time. We couldn't find a rental car at all from the airport and were just about to try renting this limo service to take us to Chapel Hill. There were a couple others that were heading that way and we had talked about renting it together. But we ended up finding one off site and took a cab to get it with one of the guys that was going to Raleigh too. The roads were terrible and covered with ice. It took us about 4 hours to make the just under 3 hour drive.
The one thing that was so great about the situation is that the doctors office kept in contact with me and told me that they would wait around until we got not to rush. We shared the car with some total stranger that was also heading to Chapel Hill and by the time we had gotten there, the office was closed but all the staff had been waiting for us! We had pre-op testing, went over paperwork and talked with Dr Berger. Instantly I felt a great connection to him. He had a very caring demeanor about him...kinda like a father. He was great! And surgery was secheduled for the following morning. I was the second of the day!
Upon leaving the office, we asked the gal at the desk where to find a store where we could buy some clothes and toiletries...because all of ours were still snowed in at the airport in Charlotte! They directed us and we were off to get things that we needed.
That night I could hardly sleep! I was so excited! When we got to the surgery center in the morning, the ladies there were just great. My husband and I sat in the waiting room until we were called back for prep. I recall being in the bathroom to change and having to write "YES" with a marker on my belly to confirm that I wanted this surgery. We then went into this other room to start the IV. Next we sat in another waiting area. On the wall in this room, there is a huge map with tons of little pins in it. Thousands of little pins. Each one represents a patient and where they came from for surgery. I place my Wenatchee, WA pin on the map! There was another woman from my area which is just amazing because I live in a very small town in WA...a 10 hour plane ride and 3 hours driving time just to get to North Carolina! There was someone else just as crazy as me to fly this long distance for this amazing doctor!
Doctor Berger came to get me for surgery. We walked down the hall before I kissed my husband goodbye and then headed into the surgery room. One of the nurses then led me into the surgery room and I lay on the table. I dont remember a lot from being in the room, but I do recall a nurse telling me that she had her surgery with Dr Berger and then pointing at her belly. She was expecting! I can do this!!!
Next thing I know I am in the recovery room and my husband is with me. We get moved into a day room and Dr Berger comes in to talk to us. Surgery went great! The clamps had fallen off of both of my tubes and were free floating in my belly. Dr B removed them and was able to reconnect the tubes. I ended up with 7.5 cm on both sides!!! This is remarkable!!!! I am given pain meds and shortly there after we got to the hotel (which was fantastic by the way!).
I slept most of the afternoon, then got up...passed the gas I was required to before eating...and then had some soup. I took another pain pill, but since I was feeling pretty good, I chose to only take a half dose. BIG MISTAKE!!!! I woke in such pain! It was intense! I tried taking additional pains but I couldn't get them to kick in. I was crying and shaking from the intense pain. The shaking caused me to start bleeding from my incision. The pain just wouldn't go away. At about 9pm after my husband couldn't watch me in pain any longer, he called Dr Berger who came right over to my room. He checked the incision, which was okay, changed the dressing and then he ran to the office to get a pain med for me. He came back and gave me a shot in the butt. I was hurting so much that I didn't even feel the shot go in! It took over quickly and I was able to relax.
Dr Berger wanted to see me again the next day after the nurses visit and before I went home. At the office he checked my incision and gave me a patch that went on the back of my ear. It was to control nausea since I was flying. Then...we were off to the airport.
The flight from Raleigh to Denver wasn't bad, I slept most of the way,....but I wish I had scheduled a wheelchair to take me from one gate to the next. I slept most of the flight from Denver to Seattle. I remember waking up asking my husband if my eye was popping out! Sounds funny, but the pain behnd my eye was so terrible. We figured out that the pain was from the patch for the nausea. That patch came off really fast after that!
Got to Seattle and drove the 3 hours home. It was great being home. I tried sleeping in my bed, but it was so hard to move. I ended up sleeping in my husband's recliner in the living room for the next couple weeks.
The pain from the surgery site was pretty intense, and I ended up running a fever about a week after surgery. Went to the doctor, but it wasn't an was from the pain. I have a very low tollerance to pain and I remember asking myself what the hell I did to myself! I couldn't imagine having a c-section! But the one thing that got me thru the pain was thinking about holding my baby! I just knew I would get pregnant quickly.
After charting for a few months I realized I wasn't ovulating. Did Clomid for 6 cycles and no baby. Tried an hsg, and we had difficulty getting the cath in so that was cancelled. I had laparoscopic surgery in Sept which showed perfect anatomy at the reconnect site but the tubes were totally blocked with scar tissue and the left tube was twisted. And that leads us to today...doing every natural treatment that I can find to try to unblock them.
I can't give up hope. I keep reminding myself that during my recovery time, I had to focus on the baby that I will one day hold in my arms. I am again having to remind myself of that baby. It gets harder as the days go by but I am determined not to give up hope! I will be pregnant again!!!
So...there's my story!
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Ready, Set....GO!
Here I am, CD 5 of month 13 of TTC. Its been a nice break these last few months only focusing on what I can do to make myself better and not stressing about peeing on tests and obsessing with timing! I have continued temping just to track my cycle and of course, like normal, still I do not O without help. I record my morning temp in my phone and then, after a week or so, I go back in to FF and record the info. That in itsself has helped me relax a lot since I used to pull up my chart and stare at it 10x a day! No OPKs, no freaking out about anything. Oh, and no more BCP. I decided that since there is still a chance of ovulating with bcp but then not implanting, I wasn't going to risk it. Plus with all the Serra that I have been taking, I'm hoping that there is some openings in there! I'm ready to jump back in and pray that it happens!
Been back in the swing of yoga. My DH has been going with me too. Kinda fun. He's talking about starting up Zumba That should be fun! Should be going tonight, IF we can peel the kids away from sledding! Tonight I plan on doing a castor oil pack and massage too since AF should be just about done by now. And the last two days I have had a big cup of Rec Clover tea (fresh from the flowers that I picked this summer). of today...we're off! Planning on making this month fun. Checking to see if I O on my own and if not then asking Doc if he'll give me Clomid again. This should be fun since I will have to convince him of it since to him my tubes are still blocked and because I don't plan on telling my husband. I'm going to fight back my emotions and moodiness and see if I can get thru another couple cycles with it. However, I'm totally prepared to stop it if I can't contain myself. I don't want to go thru that crazy emotional roller coaster again but I need to O if we're making a baby!
Been back in the swing of yoga. My DH has been going with me too. Kinda fun. He's talking about starting up Zumba That should be fun! Should be going tonight, IF we can peel the kids away from sledding! Tonight I plan on doing a castor oil pack and massage too since AF should be just about done by now. And the last two days I have had a big cup of Rec Clover tea (fresh from the flowers that I picked this summer). of today...we're off! Planning on making this month fun. Checking to see if I O on my own and if not then asking Doc if he'll give me Clomid again. This should be fun since I will have to convince him of it since to him my tubes are still blocked and because I don't plan on telling my husband. I'm going to fight back my emotions and moodiness and see if I can get thru another couple cycles with it. However, I'm totally prepared to stop it if I can't contain myself. I don't want to go thru that crazy emotional roller coaster again but I need to O if we're making a baby!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Today was my 6th day of taking the Serrapeptase. I love it! I can't get over the fact that my sinus issues are gone! I haven't had a single problem with allergies and my nose being conjested since day two of taking them! Love it! Love it! Did I say that I love it?!?!?!
I have continued with the castor oil packs, every other day and a massage following each pack. I have also noticed that my temps are staying about the same range, even though I had thought I ovulated. I learned today that the birth control pills keep me from ovulating. Nice to know. I am going to do a little research and decide in the next couple days if I want to continue another month of it. I dont want taking them to mess with me ovulating if all this hard work is paying off and unblocking my tubes!
One additional thing that I have noticed today is that I am spotting a bit. The only thing I can think of is that maybe the Serra is doing something in there because I am not having midcycle spotting and I am not having AF yet. I wonder if it is bleeding from the tissues coming apart from the scar tissue. We'll just have to wait and see!!!
I have continued with the castor oil packs, every other day and a massage following each pack. I have also noticed that my temps are staying about the same range, even though I had thought I ovulated. I learned today that the birth control pills keep me from ovulating. Nice to know. I am going to do a little research and decide in the next couple days if I want to continue another month of it. I dont want taking them to mess with me ovulating if all this hard work is paying off and unblocking my tubes!
One additional thing that I have noticed today is that I am spotting a bit. The only thing I can think of is that maybe the Serra is doing something in there because I am not having midcycle spotting and I am not having AF yet. I wonder if it is bleeding from the tissues coming apart from the scar tissue. We'll just have to wait and see!!!
Monday, January 9, 2012
Wishful thinking....Maybe, Maybe Not
I know this is crazy since I have only taken 4 of the Serrapeptase capsules, but I think I have noticed my first benefit!
I generally take Singular for my allergies every night. The last month I haven't because I am switching to the mail pharmacy so I can get 3 months at a time for one co-pay....saving money, ya know. Well, when I don't take it, I wake up so congested. I have really bad sinus headaches and usually fighting congestion and mucus all day long.
This morning when I woke up, I instantly noticed that I can breathe and there is no congestion at all! The only thing that could possibly be the cause is this enzyme. We'll see what happens tomorrow!!!
As for where I am with treatments....last night I did an hour long Castor Oil pack and a massage. I've been drinking the teas every day and of course, all my vitamins and birth control pills. And now, on to day three of my miracle enzyme!!!! :)
I generally take Singular for my allergies every night. The last month I haven't because I am switching to the mail pharmacy so I can get 3 months at a time for one co-pay....saving money, ya know. Well, when I don't take it, I wake up so congested. I have really bad sinus headaches and usually fighting congestion and mucus all day long.
This morning when I woke up, I instantly noticed that I can breathe and there is no congestion at all! The only thing that could possibly be the cause is this enzyme. We'll see what happens tomorrow!!!
As for where I am with treatments....last night I did an hour long Castor Oil pack and a massage. I've been drinking the teas every day and of course, all my vitamins and birth control pills. And now, on to day three of my miracle enzyme!!!! :)
Saturday, January 7, 2012
The Miracle Enzyme
Serrapeptase. That is the name of the miracle enzyme. A couple months back my friend told me that she was taking this because the one tube she has was blocked. Her chances of conceiving without IVF were 0%. I started researching it back then, but to me, it just seemed to good to be true. However, three months after starting this enzyme, my friend is expecting her miracle baby!!! So, the afternoon I found out about her pregnancy, I ordered some!!! No time to waste!
Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme (breaks down proteins) isolated from a bacteria called Serratia E15 which is found in the intestines of silk worm. In the silkworm, this enzyme helps them to dissolve the cocoon...which is hard as a rock! It has been used for more than three decades throughout Europe and Asia for a variety of treatments and has very minimal side effects. The only side effects that I have found noted were that it can be a blood thinner so those with clotting disorders should not take it, and in a very small handful of people, it has caused a skin rash. It is said to dissolve away non-living tissues in the body, thus clearing away scar tissue, blockages, inflammation, sinus and breathing issues...and many more.
The serrapeptase needs to be taken on an empty stomach to be the most efficient. The capsules have an enteric coating, which is a special coating that only allows it to dissolve in the small intestine where the acid level is lower than the high levels in the stomach. By absorbing in the small intestine, the enzyme goes into the blood stream and is able to travel thruout the body searching for the non-living tissues. And to work!
Dosing for the enzyme is not specific but really should be with an empty belly! My friend took 2 capsules, twice daily on an empty stomach and didn't eat at least an hour afterwards. Her daily dose was 40,000 IU. The capsules that I have purchased are "super powered" at 80,000IU each! The pill bottle says to take 1-3 capsules up to 3 times a day. To me that sounds a little like over kill so I plan to take one capsule twice daily. I have taken one so far and will be taking another one here shortly before I head to bed.
I am excited to see what comes of taking these! I am still taking the BCP for the rest of this month and I will probably take them next month also to regulate my cycle a little better. I am also drinking the red clover tea, doing the Castor Oil packs and the abdominal massages. Plan is to get the doc to give me Clomid for another couple months....should I not O the month after stopping the BCP. We'll see since that is still at least a month and a half away.
Can't wait to see how I start feeling after a couple weeks of taking this miracle enzyme. I am so excited to share!!!
Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme (breaks down proteins) isolated from a bacteria called Serratia E15 which is found in the intestines of silk worm. In the silkworm, this enzyme helps them to dissolve the cocoon...which is hard as a rock! It has been used for more than three decades throughout Europe and Asia for a variety of treatments and has very minimal side effects. The only side effects that I have found noted were that it can be a blood thinner so those with clotting disorders should not take it, and in a very small handful of people, it has caused a skin rash. It is said to dissolve away non-living tissues in the body, thus clearing away scar tissue, blockages, inflammation, sinus and breathing issues...and many more.
The serrapeptase needs to be taken on an empty stomach to be the most efficient. The capsules have an enteric coating, which is a special coating that only allows it to dissolve in the small intestine where the acid level is lower than the high levels in the stomach. By absorbing in the small intestine, the enzyme goes into the blood stream and is able to travel thruout the body searching for the non-living tissues. And to work!
Dosing for the enzyme is not specific but really should be with an empty belly! My friend took 2 capsules, twice daily on an empty stomach and didn't eat at least an hour afterwards. Her daily dose was 40,000 IU. The capsules that I have purchased are "super powered" at 80,000IU each! The pill bottle says to take 1-3 capsules up to 3 times a day. To me that sounds a little like over kill so I plan to take one capsule twice daily. I have taken one so far and will be taking another one here shortly before I head to bed.
I am excited to see what comes of taking these! I am still taking the BCP for the rest of this month and I will probably take them next month also to regulate my cycle a little better. I am also drinking the red clover tea, doing the Castor Oil packs and the abdominal massages. Plan is to get the doc to give me Clomid for another couple months....should I not O the month after stopping the BCP. We'll see since that is still at least a month and a half away.
Can't wait to see how I start feeling after a couple weeks of taking this miracle enzyme. I am so excited to share!!!
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